Wednesday, May 12, 2010


  • Website:
  • Reference: World book encyclopedia #3
  • Nonfiction book: China by Mason Crest Publishers
  • Nonfiction book dictated solely: The Han Dynasty by Myra Immell


  • China is the most populated and third largest country in the world
  • Climate ranges from tropical to subtropical
  • In the west there are deserts and high mountains (Himalayas)
  • The center has huge river basins
  • In the east there are plains, deltas, and hills
  • Area: 3,708,408 mi2, elevation highest: 29,035 ft, lowest: tarpon depression 505 ft under sea level
  • Northern/Western has long bitter winters, Central/southern has mild warm winters
  • Rainfall is light in the northwest and heavy in the southeast


The Great Wall Of China


  • Zhang Zhongjing made one of the best manuals of Chinese medicine ever written
  • Dong Zhongshu was the prime minister of the U.V.D.I. empire, he taught Confucius to all his followers
  • The Great wall of China is one of the greatest human made marvels made in ancient times
  • The Great wall of China runs uphill 1,500 miles
  • More than 300,000 workers were used to make the Great wall of China
  • One of the most popular sports in Chinese history was Jaidoi that goes to the third century
  • Confucius was one of the main cultural beliefs that people still believe today
  • If it wasn't for Confucianism most of China's people wouldn't be Buddhist


  • About 92% of China's people belong to the Han nationality
  • Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are China's major religions
  • Confucianism stresses mortal standards and a well organized society
  • Taoism teaches to live in harmony with nature
  • Buddhism teaches strict moral standard especially life after death
  • The Chinese government regard religion as a superstition so it doesn't affect the government or other countries

Monday, May 10, 2010


  • Since 1949 China has been a communist republic
  • China government has 3 main parts the C.p.c, N.p.c,P.l.a
  • communist party of China, national people congress, peoples liberation army
  • each part works to keep China's government stable
  • as China's economy keeps growing, it becomes increasingly repressive
  • China has become more repressive toward human right activists
  • from ancient China to know government has changed a lot
  • in ancient times there were dynasty's with rulers, now there are presidents and congress with much more complicated governing
  • Why do you ask that the government has changed so much? Well its because the population keeps growing.
  • When the peoples republic on China was made people were able to vote which also made the check and balance system

China's Economic growth